Thursday, March 19, 2009

Psystar has released third Mac-clone

Company Psystar has presented desktop computer Open (3), informs Computerworld. It works under control of Mac OS X Leopard and is the cheapest Mac-clone, Psystar - he can be bought for 600 dollars. Psystar Open (3) it is constructed on the basis of processors of Intel with two or four kernels. Maximum clock rate of chips - three gigacycles. The size of the RAM of the computer is equal in a standard complete set to two gigabytes. In addition in Open (3) it is possible to instal two more gigabytes of the RAM. Depending on a complete set, in new clone Mac can be installed one or two hard disks. The capacity of each of them equals 500 gigabytes or to one terabyte. For operation with a drawing in Open (3) videocard Nvidia GeForce 8400GS with 256 mbytes of memory, or Nvidia GeForce 9500GT with 512 mbytes of memory answers. As an option the computer can be equipped by Wi-Fi units and Bluetooth. The standard DVD-drive in Open (3) can be substituted on Blu-ray. In maximum complete set Psystar Open (3) there are 2022 dollars. Besides Mac OS X Leopard in such computer software packages iLife and iWork are installed. We will remind that in July, 2008 Apple has brought an action on Psystar, having accused last of violation of copyrights. Later Psystar has submitted the counterclaim, having accused Apple of monopolism. Besides Psystar clones of computers Mac release some companies. It is American Open Tech, Argentina OpeniMac and German HyperMeganet. However against one of them Apple has not brought an action.

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